Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ikea service

As mentioned there were a couple of scratches on my new and shiny desk, so thought I'd let Ikea know. Turns out they have a help called "Anna" which is a chat tool. First it didn't work Fri-Sun. Then when it did work, it turned out to be only computerized and no person at the other end. "Anna" simply didn't understand what I was telling her. Then I wrote an email to info at ikea.ch thinking it would work. It didn't. Eventually I wrote "email" to "Anna", and was directed to an email form. People less persistent than I would've given up by now, which is sorta the idea I guess. But today I got a nice answer: "Dear Mrs. and my name I am very sorry to hear of the damage on the desk you received. You do of course have the right of exchange. Your report is recorded in a claim file, which I forwarded to our customer service. They will take care of how we can comply with your wishes and make sure that you will receive an undamaged desk. In the meantime, I must ask for some patience until the exchange is being organised. You will then be contacted by our customer service. yours sincerely," I very much look forward to the continuation of this story.

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