Saturday, September 25, 2010

U2 and Iphone

Another thing that is fun is that my friends are all quite different. A varied background. Which sometimes leads to interesting discussions. Tonight U2 was mentioned, which one friend thought was a local band playing downtown Zürich. Bono, which the other friend was standing next to at last weeks concert (jumping the fence, charming her way into the best place) we're doing the joke of "you were one meter away from Bono, and now we think you're a heroine". The joke of course fell flat to the ground, when the first friend had never heard of the band. Culture crash! The other thing was the cow eyes when friend one realized that you can see the picture of the person phoning you on your mobile! How is that possible? It is basically the meeting between people who has some knowledge of new technology and some who...hmmmm....don't. I have tried to explain what Skype is...and msn...but for people who still have a computer that is about 10 years old and a telly which is 17 years old, I have trouble getting thru. But step by step, we'll get there. And despite our differences we have a good time together. We like each other. And when we have differences we work around them. So SVP, go fuck yourself! Multi-culti is good!

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