Thursday, September 23, 2010

The mad carpenter

Since I've discovered the wonderful world of reality soaps I have been absorbed. Hence the reason for not blogging much lately. My absolute favourite is the mad carpenter. A guy who renovates houses. He comes in, evaluates the status, then brings in his crew. In about 3 days they do massive renovation of whatever is needed. It's everything from deathly traps of electricity to mould to people having a house of 600m2 and living on an area of 30m2 because the rest is "not finished". I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand it is difficult not to get teary-eyed at the end when these peoples renovation dreams have come true (I especially enjoy the before-after shoots, even though the decorators have really bad taste sometimes, i.e. not like mine), and on the other hand think how much better I have handled my life. It's not only that the mad carpenter (yes, he shouts at people at times but has a big heart) does the actual job of renovating/building/repairing or whatever, it seems like he saves relationships most of the time. And he makes the people in the show work! Even I know the names of some of the tools now. Doesn't mean I'm gonna start renovating though. I'm happy to delegate that to people who knows what they're doing. Plus that I was clever enough to buy a new-built flat! It is indeed nice to feel morally superior!

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