Friday, December 16, 2011

Body failure

I always thought getting older was a good thing. Wiser, been-there-done-that-seen-that and so forth. But as it turns out, it's not always fab.

Like my body. It doesn't seem to cooperate as it used to. I mean, I was fine working all the time, travelling, being busy, and with no time to be sick. Now when I have time to enjoy, I seem to be sick-ish all the time.

Life is certainly not fair.

But down-below I am fit as a fiddle, which is good to know. One might ask to what use, but whaddayaknow...

Only, gyn doc recommended me to do a colonoscopy. After finding out exactly what it is, I am soooo not keen on that.

I think the drinking I can go along with (what, it's not wine?), but the poking up my ass is not something I would much like. I'm told I'd be under anesthetics, but still.

And I feel healthy again, so leave my ass alone. Bitte.


Anonymous said...

But they only use local anesthetic for colonoscopy dont they, not general? I'm not looking forward to the day I have to have that, but I'm reliably told its not as bad as it seems. Apparently the drink (and the resulting constant visits to the loo) is actually the worst part and the procedure isn't actually so bad in comparison. Good luck!

Witchbitch said...

Yes, local. And I heard the same about the procedure as you. But am still not keen on it. Will wait until necessary.