Wednesday, December 28, 2011

No locking

After the break-in in the downstairs apartment again, one neighbour suggested that we'd always lock the main entrance door downstairs. Personally I don't think that the burglars would come in through the main door (when there are so many unprotected balcony doors), but I obliged.

Mind you, the door locks automatically, but there is an extra lock on the inside.

Anyway. This morning my cleaning lady rings the door, I buzz her in, but door doesn't open (of course not, it's locked twice!) and I had to run down the stairs in my very sexy pyjama to open.

We have now agreed that not extra-locking the door is a good idea.


Anonymous said...

ah, pyjamas outside are all the fashion here - if you're a 20 year old student that is.

Witchbitch said...

What was I to do? Leave her standing there waiting while I dressed?