Tuesday, December 06, 2011


I understand that some of my friends miss an update on the cats, and who am I to deny them?

The latest fun we have revolves around food sticks. This is cat snack food, and consists of a whaddayaknow, stick!

The first few times I used to divide the stick in two, then throw them both one each. That didn't work, since Zina gulps her down in one go without chewing, then pushes Zetti away and takes hers too. A few hours later she throws them up again, almost undigested.

So a new strategy was devised.

I sit on the floor, ripping little pieces off and throw it to them. They are very good in catching! At the same time I pet them with greasy fingers from the stick, which means they spend half an hour later to wash themselves. Me, a genius!

But I think we all have a lot of fun with this little game.

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