Wednesday, December 07, 2011

I'm alive!

We have a good news - bad news situation.

Went to se my doc, who poked around and did a sonogram. I saw my own heart beating! How cool is that?

But he couldn't find anything, muttered something about pancreas infection (yikes, not a good organ to get sick in) and sent me on my way to Waidspital, emergency ward.

I must say I was really impressed of the efficiency there. Everything went quite geschwind. First the administration in the reception, here in ze Switzerland we muzn't forget ze adminiztration! Then I was rushed off to see somebody else, who asked me a few questions. Then to get blood taken by a third, and finally to see the doctor.

Both doctors suspected pancreas infection, but the tests were normal, except for that I have a slight increase of leucocytes. And that's the bad news, there is an infection but they don't know where.

For now I have received medicine, which I must admit has already helped a little, and more to take before going to sleep.

And the very good news is; my liver test was normal! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

eek! that all went very quickly! Good Luck, Hope its nothing really and quickly fixed. I've had higher levels of leucocytes before which turned out to be nothing, but I didn't have any associated pain so not really relevant.

Witchbitch said...

Even though I'm up early (bed is coming today!), I slept for 6 hours straight. The acute pain is gone and is more of a discomfort now. Seems like the medicine is helping. But I am to go back to my doc tomorrow to do another blood test. Just in case I guess.