Tuesday, December 06, 2011

From gullible to blasé

When I was little I was really gullible. For example, I believed in Santa Claus until I was 7 years old.

We used to celebrate Christmas at my grandparents place, lots of people, lots of kids, and when this beardy guy arrived from the forest, I had no reason not to believe in him.

However, feel a little bit embarrassed that I believed that Santa Claus ate the plate of porridge that was placed outside our flat on Christmas night. On the balcony on the 5th floor.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry there are plenty of people a lot older than 7 who believe in things a lot crazier than an old guy climbing onto a balcony to eat cold porridge. Like believing in a woman having a baby despite never having had sex, and in a guy (the same baby as it happens) being killed but then a few days later being alive again.

(As an aside, you gave Santa porridge as thanks for all that effort to get to your balcony and bring you presents?!! at least we gave him something tasty like chocolate biscuits)

Witchbitch said...

Not entirely sure, but believe we gave him porridge 'cause he was presumably hungry.