Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas has begun

Very exciting for the cats today when I got the Christmas tree up. Now it's a training game. They cats can smell and sniff, but not touch. Ha! As soon as I leave I can only imagine what'll happen.

Fortunately for now the empty box is as fun to play with as the decoration in the tree.

And before you say anything, I decide when Christmas starts in my own home. I rather take the tree down early January, and enjoy the lights in December.


Anonymous said...

What would be wrong with when you're putting up your tree?
I'm annoyed we didn't manage to get time to get ours this weekend. When I was a kid we always put it up on December 1st. I feel so far behind

Witchbitch said...

Tradition is to put it up just before Christmas eve, but good thing I did yesterday since I found out the lights didn't work. Now I have time to fix it before Christmas.