Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Since some time now we had the questionable pleasure of having the neighbours depositing their trash in our containers.

How it works in Zürich is that the city provides the containers for free, then every household pays some 50 plus francs per year as well as the Züri-Säcke (trash bags) for about 2 francs each (35-liter) for the service of getting the containers emptied.

I think that's reasonable and I like the idea of paying for usage, rather than a flat fee per flat (flat-flat, haha).

The point is that this neighbourhood house uses our container without asking permission. Today when I talked to the Zürich city official, I learned that we cannot really stop them (as long as they put their trash into the therefore designed and paid for bags). But what we can do is report them to the police for trespassing into our private property.

Tempting, very tempting.

But mature as I am, I have suggested to the others in our house that we put up a sign saying it's only for our address. Curious to what they will say now. And if they propose that we'll call the police, I'll be happy to do their bidding.

Men in uniform, mmmm!

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