Monday, December 19, 2011

My house wine

Tonight there was the annual general meeting for our building association, the one where I ended up having to send the comments (despite my lack of diplomacy!) to the company which manages our finances.

So had prepared with some minor apero stuff, a bottle of wine and a carafe of ice water. Guess what was not touched in the end of the evening...!

What was especially funny was the neighbour, who showed up last Monday being mistaken about the date. He is normally the one who drinks one glass of Prosecco, and that's enough. He now wanted to know what wine I served him last week, and could he please have the name. He had at least three glasses tonight!

Ha! Another convert. And I gave him a bottle, against that I can deposit my dead plants in his what's-it for green stuff.

But wasn't happy about having to share the bill for lighting in the garage. Hey, I don't have a garage, why do I have to pay for it? It's like the roof, I don't use it, why having to share the cost?

And no, won't move despite the inconveniences of having to pay a bit extra.


Anonymous said...

Ha! that's sarcasm about the roof, right?

Witchbitch said...

Yes :).