Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dinner with complications

Went to a dinner with friends tonight. It was great. A fishy starter with a great cucumber salad and a chili. Lots of wine. Nothing to complain about. Even the company was good :).

But then, since I don't have an iphone I asked somebody to look up my last bus. Somebody did. But then the bus was late, and despite the driver telling me about the connection I missed it. Which I told him when we were nearing his end station, and at which time he shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't have cared less.

And I had to walk. And walk. And walk. Which reminded me of my youth, when all you had to do was stick your thumb in the air, and the next car would stop to give you a lift. Not working anymore. I know this for a fact, since I tried. Or maybe ze Swiss don't know about the thumb. It couldn't possibly be because I'm not 20 anymore...

Finally, after walking half the way home I got a taxi. Driver asked me if I had been to the Madonna concert. Haha, didn't even know she was in town.

And the famous quote of the evening (after I told them I cut my own hair), "everybody needs a good hair-cut now and then"...from a guy with...let's put it diplomatically...not a head full of hair.


John said...

this is a good one..I love your sentence "ze Swiss don't know about the thumb." And I agree...its hard to accept hair cut advice from us baldies! :)


Witchbitch said...

And it works to cut it yourself!