Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Swiss national day

Realize I've been a bit slow in blogging lately, sorry about that. Think it's the heat.

Yesterday I was on the lake, fab weather, almost 30°C with a bit of wind. Had my first dip in the lake for this year, very late but still only 22° in the water. Refreshing!

Good thing I went yesterday, since I'd forgotten it's the Swiss national day today! Imagine it'll be several thousands of boats there today, and I don't like a crowd.

Better be a big duck in a small pond than vice versa, if you know what I mean.

And all these fireworks. I dunno about you, but I dislike them. Five seconds of a splash of colours in the air, where the money could've helped elsewhere. I don't see the point. Neither do my cats, who scurried indoors at the first bang. Clever ones!

Well, in five years or so I might be able to celebrate the Swiss national day being a Swiss if I'm lucky.

But what the heck, I'm feeling pretty happy anyway.


Anonymous said...

although the practical part of my brain entirely agrees with you on fireworks - total waste of money that could be better spent elsewhere, probably polluting and smelly, I somehow still love watching a good fireworks display, so pretty, always a good vibe, makes me think of easy-going happy times

Witchbitch said...

I reckon more people think like you, otherwise there wouldn't be so many watching them.