Monday, August 06, 2012

The digital era

Some things were better before, but certainly not cameras. I remember being on holiday, coming home, going to the shop, leave the film, come back three days later and get the photos.

Not to mention when you were just taking the odd picture at home, and the film consisted of 24 or 36 pics, so you had to wait until all were taken, and sometimes you only got to see the photos like six months later.

Now, in the digital era, I take pics almost daily. Out with the cable, stick it into the computer, load the pics and a few seconds later, you see the result. It's great.

I don't think blogs could've existed without photos. A picture is like 1,000 words they say. I tend to agree.

PS. And just for the sake of it, there won't be a pic in this item :).

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