Friday, August 31, 2012

The curious case of Benjamin Button

I occasionally lend movies to friends, and most of the time I remember to make a note, since I've learned that many people do not return said movies within a reasonable time.

I don't know how you feel about it, but I find it appropriate to return movies that I borrowed within a month or so. I do most of the times, but I do have one bad conscience, with some friends in Basel I haven't seen in half a year, and I still have movies I borrowed from them. They don't like coming to Zürich, and I don't want to travel at all. Eventuelly I have to send them I think.

Anyway, what made me think of this, is that a neighbour borrowed some movies from me, and it was only when I wanted to watch one of them again, I realized who had them. When asking, she was very apologetic and I got them back immediately.

Plus one. I got a movie that wasn't mine. Only realized when I got back home. It's called "The curious case of Benjamin Button", and it turned out to be a very good movie. Didn't hurt that Brad Pitt was starring I guess.

I like movies (and books) that surprise me. That gives me something to think about, and to spark my imagination.

In hindsight, I don't mind at all that she kept my movies for 8 months. In this case, I got something in return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have it noted down, and haven't forgotten