Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A bottomless hole

Yesterday was really strange. I was hungry the whole day. I cannot remember when I ate as much, it was like a couple of hours after I ate, I was craving food yet again.

Apart from being away in the afternoon, meeting two good friends travelling through Zürich, I was eating, eating, eating.

And funnily enough I didn't gain one gram since the day before.

Maybe it was like my body was making up for being sick, not being able to hold down food, 'cause today I'm back to normal. What a weird experience!

Talking about food, I have now cooked lunch boxes for a good friend of mine since about ten months, and I'm running out of ideas. So far I have cooked thirty different menues including fish, pork, beef, rabbit, chicken, all different sorts of cuts served together with potatoes, rice, spaghetti in all various varieties, always with some greens like carrots, peas, peperoni, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, beans or whatever you can think of.

On the other hand, the recipient of the boxes is a very easy person. He would gladly have that I start all over again on the menues.

Still, it's a challenge, and I'm up for trying something new. Ideas welcome!

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