Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm falling apart

I really don't understand. The past year I've been living more healthy than ever in my life (ok, maybe except for my teen years), and I've never been so sick.

A couple of days ago I started to get pain in my hip (and no, I'm not old enough to need a hip replacement!), so bad I woke up at 5.30 this morning. Fortunately I still have some painkillers since the last stomach thingie.

And yes, today I started to feel the same symtoms as a couple of weeks ago. Still haven't vomited but my belly has started to swell up, and the activity in there is loud. I really don't have time to be sick now!

Soon off to my riding lesson, and I'm not gonna let my failing body defeat me. Hoping for some adrenaline to get me going. And this time I'm going there early. I still have to learn to prepare the horse for the lesson. Previously I have had help, and everybody seems to know exactly what to do and do it quickly. Today I want to take my time, and bond with the horse.

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