Sunday, February 01, 2015

Sunday date

I had a date today with a guy I met online. I've been registered to this dating site for quite a long time now, but am not active there. I just respond if somebody contacts me, and today I met this man who sent me a message and seemed to have a profile that spoke to me. Animal lover. He has a dog and a cat.

He turned out to be very nice, and just like I thought he'd be. Of course the impression he made on me improved dramatically by bringing me a small present. What woman doesn't love chocolate?

Luckily, none of us are looking for a romantic relationship, but for friendship, and I really do think this can be something. Meeting up now and then, taking walks with the dog, cooking together, correction I will have to cook since he doesn't, but no biggie, talking and just enjoy some company with each other.

And maybe I can talk him into doing the vitaparcours with me? Just like me he has lost weight, and is trying for a healthier lifestyle. Except for the smoking and wine-drinking of course :). And he will make me speak German.

It's funny that when people say in their profiles what languages they speak, and many of them tick English. Then when we meet they speak like two words. I, on the other hand, communicate almost effortlessly in German, and still say I'm only half-good. Very humble I am :).

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