Tuesday, February 03, 2015

A date from hell

Omg, there are some weirdos out there. Had another date today with an older guy. I'm not opposed to having friends in all sorts of ages, so I thought why not?

But this particular one I should've skipped. The first thing he said to me was not "nice to meet you" but "you don't look like your picture". What was I supposed to say to that?

Then we took a walk and he kept on complaining just about everything. The women on the site who didn't respond to him, why weren't they? How the hell was I supposed to know?

Tried to change the subject to animals, did he perhaps have a dog? Then I got another rant about how the authorities just want to make money by requiring new dog owners to take a course, which I think is a good idea. And so on and so on.

After that he was back on the women subject. How he would never contact anybody who had "a couple of kg's too much" in her profile. I swallowed a laugh, nearly looked down at him and his protruding belly, thinking his BMI was definitely in the overweight area. And how he liked "natural beauty", showing me a pic of his "friend" who was a goodloooking 25-year-old. I was thinking maybe he had downloaded the pic from internet, until he told me he didn't know how to operate a computer, apparently the 25-year-old had helped him.

When he asked if we should go for a drink, I as politely as I could claimed to have a pressing engagement, bid him farewell and good luck, and fled.

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