Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Swiss XII

Got an envelope from the Swiss authorities today, and thought immediately that now I get the results of the test, so that I can put that behind me. Not that I'm really worried, but still, it would be nice to have the confirmation.

But no. This was a form so that I can confirm the personal data I already have submitted several times. "And after you have signed the data can no longer be changed". Oh dear. Sounds like a threat. Good thing I don't plan to marry, since one of the data to be confirmed was that I'm single.

As soon as I have sent this form in, and of course paid the bill attached of 76 francs, my application will processed further.

No worries, they can hit me with as many forms as they wish, I will bounce back, reply and pay as required. I have really put my mind to this. Let's see if it goes all the way.

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