Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I'm faster than google

Today, through a combination of greed and bad conscience, I walked all the way to a friends place. Greed, 'cause it pains me to pay for a ticket, and bad conscience 'cause I haven't done any sports since being sick last week. Also a bit of laziness I guess, like "I'm sick, I cannot push myself".

Anyway, google maps told me it would take 44 minutes, and I made in 41. And I was walking fast! Door to door it was like 56 minutes. Then of course I indulged in food and chocolate, but nevertheless, it did me good.

And as of this morning I was only 3.6 kg's away from my ultimate goal. What I'll do if I ever get there? Oh I dunno, probably eat a whole bar of chocolate :).

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