Monday, February 09, 2015

Medicine and pralines

Last night was hell. I'm not joking when I say I was awake every hour, and up to vomit four times, despite only having had two cups of soup yesterday. I really wonder what was in that drip thing I got at the hospital, since I had gained 700 grams this morning. What the heck?

I was swearing over incompetent doctors and for not giving me enough painkillers. The pain was almost unbearable.

Was considering calling a neighbour to ask for help getting medication, but first of all, both neighbours are on vacation, and second...I had a voucher since 5 years only valid two more days for Sprüngli and it felt funny to ask somebody "can you please go and get me some medicine, and btw, can you pick up a box of pralines as well?"

So I bit the bullet, dressed in jogging pants (can't have anything pushing on the belly, which was swollen to a degree of 9-months pregnancy), and headed out in the darkness, -3°C at 7 o'clock in the morning. Got the bus down to the main station, where the pharmacy is open 24-7, and as soon as I paid the clerk I popped a painkiller like a drug abuser.

Then I went to Sprüngli, got a lovely box of delicate decadent pralines, which are now awaiting me as soon as I get fit again.

Talking about fit, I got home, popped another pill and slept for three hours, and woke up like a new person. I was even a little bit hungry!

This afternoon I've been almost fine. Energy is back, I've eaten several small meals and am grateful that the belly medicine has started to work (one pill every morning). Fingers crossed the positive spiral will continue!


Anonymous said...

I think it is perfectly reasonable to request chocolates when you are ill, even if you have to wait until you are feeling better to have them.
Hope you feel better soon :-)
PS! Do not even consider taking a taxi to the pharmacy and back when you are ill, public transport is the only way to go ;-)

Witchbitch said...

I am too cheap to let the voucher expire!

Nope, didn't consider it, public transportation in Zürich is quicker.