Sunday, February 22, 2015

Successful party

I would say that whenever I could keep one of my neighbours up until nearly one in the morning, it's a successful evening. He's normally the one starting to yawn at nine.

But yes, I had put in an effort. As a starter it was gazpacho, a veggie soup served cold in schnapps glasses together with a garlic bread.

For main it was pork cooked for hours with garlic, onion and sambal, as well as creme fraiche and cream, served with spaghetti and beans.

So there we were enjoying ourselves, three old friends and a new one, who quickly joined the group.

Then, after a few hours the rest of the house came for dessert, just as planned. As a surprise for the birthday...well woman...girl would be to stretch it. So I had a made a cake and one of the guests brought some cookies.

And after the kids left (yes I know, but to invite these neighbours without their loud offsprings would mean they wouldn't come, so what can one do?), we waltzed. I think the guy who claimed he was an excellent waltzer realized that I was better. Little did he know that I waltzed my way through the 80's. It is nice to surprise people sometimes.

All in all a nice evening. I am lucky to live in a house with neighbours like this!

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