Saturday, February 28, 2015

Punctuality means respect

Busy day today, but it didn't start out very well. A new friend was picking me up at eleven o'clock, and being me I was standing outside the house waiting a few minutes before. And there I waited. And waited. And waited.

Twenty minutes later I decided to get back inside and was half-irritated (read very very very irritated). Told the cats that men cannot be trusted, which they agreed on. Five minutes later the door rang, and there he was. Finally. If you know me, you know how much I hate people being late, but this was a new friend so I just told him very gently that had he been five minutes later I would'nt have come at all. Well, perhaps not very gently since I think he got the message pretty quickly. He of course didn't understand at all, he was all like "well you were coming visit so I had to clean", like it was my problem that he couldn't plan better.

Anyway, moving on and we had a really nice day. Visiting some favourite spots of his (including his home, which was pretty clean), and even his indeed very nice neighbours, who pointed out that he didn't sleep at home last weekend. That was when I had my party and he ended up sleeping at my neighbours, not at my place. Which I felt a need to point out. I'm not as easy as I used to be ;).

But he loves animals, which with me is a redeeming factor. Anybody who has a lovely cat like this deserves a second chance.

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