Friday, April 24, 2015

A new love

I think I must do as many people do, I must ditch one love for another. Feri, you're a star but today I had the privilege of riding a new horse. Black, beautiful and tremendously well trained. And I didn't have the feeling of "oh jeez is he gonna buck or be too difficult for me to handle", it was more smooth sailing.

And he was fast, which I like a lot. But I also got criticism for that. "Annika, you're too fast, slow down, you're supposed to trot not run" and similar, but I didn't care. I enjoyed it a lot. What a fantastic horse!

I think the trainer picked up on that, since she happened to mention that he was for sale. "You can buy him".

And no, if I would buy a horse I would have to find a way to fund it, and therefore would have no time for a horse. They are bloody expensive. We're talking 15-20 thou to buy the horse, then 1-2 thou a month for keeping it plus all the extras. Nah, it's not gonna work even though I was tempted for a minute.

I really hope I get the chance to ride him again!

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