Sunday, April 05, 2015

Swiss XV

As a preparation step before my interview with ze Swiss authorities, I wrote an email to the most critical person I know, who also happens to be a neighbour. And as usual I procrastinated, thinking there is plenty of time to prepare.

Until today when I got an sms saying "coming over in 45 mins for your prep". Oops. But even then I managed to hang a wash, to clean an ashtray and to make myself presentable, before I started to study. It's mainly this friggin political system with all different governmental bodies that makes me crazy. It's boring and uninteresting and I really had to force myself to remember how many members each body has.

And what I had forgotten was that my neighbour is a real nerd. He thrives on history and wanted to make sure that I understood all the background to the simplified version in my broschure. Which I wasn't too interested in. I was more looking to pass the test.

So two and a half hours later we were done. If I don't pass the test now, it isn't for lack of trying! I just have to filter out all the "unnecessary" information.

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