Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bagless rocks

Today I was gonna hoover, with two furry monsters it's needed at least once a week. Hoovering is not as satisfying as mopping the floor, but nevertheless I do it.

And I gotta say, the bagless I got some years ago is probably the best investment since my flat. I would've been ruined from buying bags, both from me losing hair but more so the kitties.

Last time I hoovered the machine stopped, and I realized it was full and emptied it. Today it stopped for no reason, and I took both filters out and cleaned them (from about half a kg of cathair!) and was ready to go again. No go. Dead as the Norwegian blue parrot. As in no longer with us. Like gone to the pastures. Deceased. Gone to see its maker. It's ceased to be, it's a goner.

So I took comfort in that a friend was visiting this evening, it's his job to repair things in my home, but whaddayaknow, all of a sudden the hoover was humming again like a bird. Guess it was just resting.

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