Saturday, May 02, 2015

Singing in the rain

It is funny this with sport. I used to like it in my youth, or more like thinking it was part of my life, without realizing it was healthy and good for me.

Nowadays I wake up, looking at the weather, and thinking I wanna get out there, sweat a bit, and feel better afterwards. And not only that, I actually enjoy being out in the forest, breathing fresh air, look at the view of Zürich and move my now healthier body.

But ok, today when I came back from the vitaparcours round, where I skipped a few stations 'cause of pouring rain (I mean, who wants to lay down on a wet wooden beam to do the plank?), I decided to jog the 6-min round before I headed home. It was humbling. I was kinda jogging/powerwalking but when I for the third time saw the same guy running in the opposite direction, I realized I have a long way to go.

Mind you, he was probably half my age and it's not like I'm competing. And no, I wasn't singing.

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