Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rural setting

Yesterday I was out of town the whole day. Me travelling! I was on the countryside away from asphalt (almost :) a whopping 9 hours.

But it was nice, and I gotta say it crossed my mind for a minute or so, that I could probably live like that. But no, not for more than a day.

However, in the afternoon we went for winetasting. At the neighbours! How neat is not that, to have a vineyard and brewery (or whatever it's called when it's wine they're making) next door! THAT I could definitely live with. Plus the fact that the wine my friend ordered was delivered a snappy five minutes later.

And I like the fact that most of the food served was locally produced. We had an excellent lamb rack for dinner. I think I might buy in on that next time they slaughter one.

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