Thursday, May 28, 2015

Early or late

It's really weird this change of day and night with me. I used to be a night person, always cranky in the morning and alive and very awake in the evening/night. Now it's changed. I'm waking up earlier and earlier in the morning, wanting to go running in the forest (or similar strange activities like sporty stuff). I don't get it. Hopefully it's a phase.

This morning was extreme. I woke up at four (ok, went to bed early but still). It was dark and I was snoozing until five. But then of course the cats were up, they have a sixth sense, so whenever I start moving they are too.

So went up, had a coffee and was considering going for a run. Stopped myself, thinking I was out yesterday and am going out tomorrow. Don't be a freak, be normal.

At about seven thirty I was kinda getting tired again, so thought I'd have another hour of sleep. Hah! The cats have two different ways of getting my attention. The wee one jumps up into the bed, sits in front of my face and miaows quite loudly. She's the one who is not afraid to tell me what she wants. However, when I grunt and turn around she usually goes away. At least for the moment.

The other one has a more refined strategy. She starts with walking all over me, literally, and when I don't react she sits next to me, poking me with her paw. When that doesn't work the claws come out and she scratches me, gently mind, no blood, but still very irritating when you try to sleep.

So yes, I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

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