Monday, May 11, 2015

Swiss XIX

So when I had the interview the guy let me know that the rest of the process to be a Swissie would just be a formality. Hah! Why did I believe him?

Today I got a letter (three days later than it was dated, thank you Swiss authorities for saving 15 rappen on the stamp)...(here's a thought, send an email next time and save a whopping 85 rappen on each letter!). Ok, back to the issue. The letter stated that they wanted to know how much my apartment would sell for, since I stated the value of it in my first application. As well as how much my pension fund is.

I spoke to my bank and a proper evaluation would cost 2,000 francs, which is according to me totally unnecessary, since I don't plan to sell. So I wrote a letter in response to the request.

Tonight I had some friends (all Swissies) over for a balcony hang. Weather was fab and we were sitting out there until now, enjoying food and drinks and good company. But nobody comes into my place without having to do a chore ;).

So I had all three reviewing the letter and my response, and all of them approved without so much changing a comma. I ignored the comments about "your German is charming" and "it's all you". I know, my German is not perfect but they all agreed I get through what I want to say. So I sent it. Now it's a waiting game.


Anonymous said...

I am surprised they didn't want all that information before the interview. Good luck. I have a feeling this story might go on a bit longer!


Witchbitch said...

Yup, I have received an answer to my reply. Watch out on the blog.