Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I met an acquaintance the other day, and she looked like she sold the butter and lost the money. At first I thought somebody died, and didn't wanna probe, but later I asked how she was. First I got a "I don't wanna talk about it", but then it poured out of her.

Turns out she just finished her Ph'D, she got called to an interview on the first job she applied for, she doesn't have money problems, only a slight problem with the current co-tenants, which will be solved in the end of the summer when they are moving out. Oh dear.

So the problem was not so much the finished Ph'd, it was "what if I get the job, should I take it?" (YES!) or "it's not likely they'd consider me even if I'm the only applicant" (get your act together and why shouldn't they?). And the flat issue, "what if I don't find other co-tenants?" (do you know how difficult it is to find living quarters in Zürich, of course you will). Besides if need be she could pay for it herself.

It was also a lot of discussion about what if I do that, or this, and that will have an impact on the rest of my life. Of course it will. Everything has.

I really don't get it. How can somebody not be happy, being ready to do a brilliant career, having a good and very reasonbly priced place to live in, being in the best city in the world, and have the world to conquer.

When I confronted her and asked what else she could wish for she responded "maybe I'll never be happy". Oh, I'm so glad I'm not that young anymore. And I can truly say that I'm happy with my life and myself. And my cats. And a dog once a week. And the horses. Even the people in my life ;).


Anonymous said...

wow, she sounds like a barrel of laughs!
Still, I remember the end of the Ph.D. feeling, those things really screw you up and leave you feeling a bit lost for a while/make you silly (hmm, that was when I made friends with you ;)). and it's not necessarily a good idea to take the first job you get offered just because you were offered it. But with that 'Nobody would take me' attitude maybe she should.


Witchbitch said...

Yes, silly of you of make friends with me ;). And exactly, take the job you're offered, you can always look for a new one while at it.