Monday, May 11, 2015

Cat missing again

Oh dear, here I was sitting peacefully blogging when I realized that my longlegged beautiful cat was no where to be seen. She's usually around me in daytime. Went around and looked at all the usual hiding places, but to no avail.

Looked down at the terrace beneath and couldn't see her anywhere. Mind you, it's pretty wild down there. Another search, and then on to the balcony again and I called her. Now a miserable miaow was heard. Oh dear. My heart started to race and my adreline started pumping.

Of course the neighbours weren't home, so I went around and got in from the other side through the bushes and of course she didn't immediately come to me. She was so frightened the poor thing. I had to force my way through a fence and grab her like her Mum used to do, in the neck.

I didn't see it happen, but my guess is that some flying object passed by and she tried to catch it. I don't think any of them would jump deliberately. If they would, they would do it more often than every second year or so.

Ah well, happy end and she's now vigorously cleaning away all the strange smells from the wildlife out there. And the other one slept through it all.

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