Friday, May 29, 2015

Out and about

I realized that when you're out and about and really pay attention, you see a lot of interesting things. Like today, when doggie and I took our afternoon walk we (well, I) saw two lizards making more of them. At least I think it's what they did. The male and more colourful one was biting the female on the back, which I figured was the lizzie way of making foreplay. But I tell you what, if a man would've done that to me, I would've bitten his head off.

Frequently I also see groups of very little human beings, being out with their teachers, and I think to myself that it must be the worst job in the world. Being in charge of unruly, screaming, loud and disobedient kids must be a nightmare. Much worse than being a truckdriver, which was my No 1 worst-job-in-the-world before.

So it warms my heart when we meet other doggies. Today we saw an absolutely adorable 12-week old German shepherd puppy with that woolly fur that youngsters have. Totally cute!

I shall miss doggie, who's off on vacation now for two weeks. Not sure the cats will though :).

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