Friday, May 08, 2015

30K+ steps

You know what happens when you exercise six days out of seven? You gain weight. At least I have done. It is super irritating. But I won't be defeated.

Today I was dogsitting again, doggie slept overnight and it went fine. Everybody slept in their normal places, and it was peace in our time.

This morning dog and I went vitaparcours'ing for an hour of so (saw two Bambis today!). Then in the beautiful early afternoon we went for a leisurely walk in the sun for another hour. After that the owner were supposed to pick us up, but I decided that we'd walk to his place instead. One more hour walking.

Then of course I had the riding lesson this evening. Got my new fav! The owner was there and had responded to my plead on email ("here's my new fav, would appreciate if I could ride him again", with a pic attached). She smiled when she saw me, and said "you got your fav". Hurray!

And it went fine. I must say that I feel that I'm making progress, even if I'm far from being good. I mean, the teacher sometimes hops on one of our horses to show us how to do certain movements, and it all looks like a breeze, like there is nothing to it, whereas when we try the same thing it is super difficult.

But it was funny today while leg-yielding when she repeated "Annika, look in the corner" and I almost shouted "BUT I AM" and I was, but what she meant was that the whole head had to be directed there, not only my eyes. Why didn't she say so in the first place? Has to do with showing the horse the direction by your own weight and movement I guess.

So according to my pedometer I have walked 30,529 steps today, translating into almost 21 km's and burning of 1,123 calories. I'll be damned if I haven't lost anything tomorrow morning!

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