Friday, May 22, 2015

The black sheep

If you ask me there are far too many holidays in the spring, which means that my riding lessons have been less frequent lately. Only like every two weeks. Not enough to keep up the stuff I learned.

But my new love is so fantastically well trained, that I'm merely to not disturb him. He knows what to do, I don't. At least not always. Fortunately the teacher has a lot of patience and is always prepared to explain what I do wrong. And funnily enough it always works when I do what she tells me to. Most of the time it's common sense, and I get angry with myself that I didn't realize it. Like today. I was galloping and the horse put his head down, which meant I was leaning forward, a natural response, 'cause I like when it's fast, but the horse reacted to me not sitting back properly and moving him forward with my hips. When I did, it worked like it should.

But I'm also proud to say that lately I have, once in a while mind you, not often, received a "that's good Annika". And every time I hear that I want to do even better. I guess I'm partial to positive reinforcement, even though I appreciate the advice. I realize I cannot get better unless I learn from my mistakes.

There is now only five lessons left this season, and after that I'll be going back to private lessons. And even though it'll be good with more intensive training, not having to worry about three other mediocre riders (like me), I think I shall miss it.

Oh, the black sheep we saw on the way back. The wee one in the middle. I immediately identified ;).

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