Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cookie monsters

I really have learned to love to cook and bake, and I do it quite often. Problem is I cannot eat it all by myself, what with the healthy regime I have introduced in my own home. Mind you, I never was a cookie monster, my weakness was more food and chocolate.

But now I've found out where I am appreciated (other than with the neighbours, who already enjoy the sweets I make), in the stables! Jeez, I brought sixteen cookies yesterday and before the lesson started it was only two left. My thoughts were to share with my fellow students and the teacher plus the stable help, but I think the young girls who I didn't know was gonna be there had most of them.

So now I know where to "get rid of" my cookies if need be.

But only four more weeks of riding lessons, starting to miss them already. Especially my new fav, the beautiful not Italian, but Spanish stallion. Well, guess he cannot be called stallion anymore, since his nuts are no longer there, but to me he's the most gentle and delightful horse I've come across.

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