Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lippizzaner ride

Yesterday I was riding my second fav, a lippizzaner, a breed that is mostly known for performing at the Spanish riding school in Vienna. I saw them when I was 15 years old and in the midst of my first horse-crazy period. I was in awe then, and still am.

If you're not a rider, you don't get how difficult it is to get the horse to perform like they do, and making it look effortless. Trust me, it takes many, many years of daily training to get as good as they are. Obviously I was nowhere near it yesterday.

However, I got a compliment. Not from the teacher mind you, we're still at "Annika, where are you not supposed to be looking?". Me: "at the horses ears". Right.

No, it was from a fellow student, who I consider to be the star in our little group of four. She said to me "you may not be as powerful as I am, but I think you're better technically". Not sure she's right, but I am still basking in the praise, especially since she's normally the one who always knows everything, and who I believe to be the better rider.

The less powerful she was referring to is that I cannot ride for 50 minutes without taking breaks. I am sweating like a pig, need to drink water in between, and have decided that after these six months (ending June) I will go back to 30 minutes lessons with a private teacher. That way I hopefully will last the whole lesson, and I don't have to take other horses into consideration. The riding hall is not that big, so now you always have to look out for the others.

I look forward to learn more, especially now when I have gotten to know the horses a bit better, and one day I shall jump again!

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