Monday, April 13, 2015

Sächsilüüte 2015

This year "der Böögg" burned down in a little over 20 minutes, according to some old myth indicating a mediocre summer, but today it was fabulous weather.

I took a stroll into town clad in only a sleeveless top, a short dress and bare legs. I know, not pretty with shiny white legs, but I need to start somewhere. I don't agree with a friend I met, who claimed that "I was born white, so that's how it meant to be". I believe more in improvement of what you've got. Except for when it comes to clothes of course, since I hate shopping.

Anyway, I went down to the city, thinking that shops were open. They were not. And I got caught behind the lines and lines of people. It's not that I am extremely claustrophobic, but I don't like crowds, so finally I managed to cross the street and get to my fav bar, where I sat down with a drink and watched all the "Zünfte" parade by. A "Zunft" as I understand it (nobody has been able to properly explain it) is an organization consisting of one profession like bakers, smiths, painters and people who make flour, that sorta thing. And it's not only you have to be one, you have to have a friend or several of them recommending you into a "Zunft". Can I mention that there are very few women involved?

Most of them are very old (surprise, surprise!), and all the "Zünfte" are parading by in wagons drawn by horses. And they shit. Not that I mind, 'cause horseshit doesn't smell that bad, but you have to be careful not to trot in it. However, Zürich city excels in cleaning up. Two hours after the parade was over, there was no shit to be seen.

And even though the city was crowded I managed to find a few spots where the view was fab and there was space enough to breath.

Can I just reiterate that I love Zürich?


Anonymous said...

easy explanation: zunft = guild :)

Shame one of the horses was killed


Witchbitch said...

Not so easy, since to join a "Zunft" you need recommendations, it's not enough to have the profession.

Yes, a big shame. Not a big fan of animals being forced to be in crowds like yesterday.