Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life rocks

Every day I am grateful for the life I live, but today I was a little more so. It started out with a sale at my local Denner (they are renovating and therefore closing for three weeks) with 30% on everything. Can I just say I wasn't alone there at eight in the morning. But I got the stuff I wanted, mainly cat food, and even got some help to carry it home.

Then I was with dog the whole day. We did a vitaparcours round in the morning, which is really funny with a companion. She's a real darling and I had to laugh a lot. She looks at me when I'm doing the exercises like I'm crazy, she might have a point there, and when we get to the little lake in the middle of the forest, she goes absolutely bananas and wants to swim.

Then we had a little rest, all the four of us. Two cats watching the "monster", but when they get too close the dog retreats. Clever dog. Trust me, never play with a cat, they always win.

After that doggie and I went for a walk into town, and of course she went bathing every chance she got.

In the afternoon we met up with the dog owner, and went for a premiere cruise on the lake this year. It was gorgeous. Warm, sunny, practically no wind and few people. And we had wine and sandwiches and music.

I was thinking of how lucky I am. I am healthy, I have good friends, I have a boat, I have animals around me and I live in the best city in the world. There is nothing that can top this!

PS. And I'm almost up to 25,000 steps today. An added plus to a perfect day.

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