Sunday, March 29, 2015


Yesterday evening I did something I guess not many people do on a Saturday evening, and certainly something I have never done before.

Strawberry jam! I have always thought it was really difficult, but with the recipe I used it wasn't at all.

I mixed sliced strawberries with cinnamon sticks, sugar, bay leaves and substituted the Cointreau with Cognac. I also added a tiny chili, which turned out to be the strongest chili I ever ate. Used another one for soup I did earlier in the week, one teeny-tiny one for two liters of soup made it so hot I was sweating eating it.

Recipe said to cook between 15 and 30 minutes, but I used 50 minutes. And even though it turned out totally ok, next time I will use a only one cinnamon stick and I will slice the strawberries in even smaller pieces.

But I gotta say, it is satisfying to be eating breakfast with bread I made myself topped with homemade (by me!) strawberry jam.

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