Monday, March 23, 2015

Walking and talking

Today was all about walking (and talking). I was meeting a friend who lives about an hour from me, and I chose to walk there. Sun was shining, the wind was a bit cold but it was a nice stroll. Ok stroll it wasn't, it was more like fast walking.

Anyway, after a bit of rest and a sandwich we took a walk around the lake nearby including a dog. With a dog you don't walk fast, since there is too much sniffing and discovery to be made, which is kinda nice, since it makes you "smell the roses".

And I had my friend question me about the citizenship. Every time I meet a friend these days I shove the broschure into their hands, saying "question me" (or else;). I'm doing better and better, but it's like with my studies earlier in life. I tend to leave it to the last minute. Maybe it's my way of taking a walk on the wild side ;).

Oh dear.

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