Saturday, March 21, 2015


The last week I've been looking after the neighbours flat, picking up the mail and making sure everything was all right. For me it's not a chore, it's something I like to do for several reasons. First, it's nice to live in a house with so few people that you know all of them, and second, I like to keep it secure here where I live. Making sure the mailbox is emptied on a regular basis is one of the things, and also having lights go on with the help of timers is another. Plus the fact that knowing that somebody is there if something bad would happen.

As a thank you when they came back today they brought me chocolate, a kinda chocolate I remember from my childhood. My grandfather used to hide a chocolate bar in the kitchen drawer, and when we arrived I used to open the drawer to check it was there. But in those days kids (even including me) were well brought up, so I didn't say anything. Probably the grown-ups knew, but didn't tell.

It was only after a while my grandpa said to me "Annika, I bought something for you, it's in the kitchen drawer", and I ran there and got the treat.

Funny that, how a small token can bring you back x years in time and make you feel like a child again.

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