Thursday, March 12, 2015

Look at me!

The older I get the more I realize you have to hang on to the friends you have, 'cause getting new ones are difficult.

The problem is not having friends, it's to have friends who are living close to me. Friends are everywhere in the world, and they are only a click away on email, skype or whatever social media there is these days, but I am more of an oldfashioned type. I like people irl.

I like to be able to call somebody and have them visit me when I feel a need to, I like to know that they are there for me if I get sick, I even enjoy having friends coming to see me when I ride. It's like, I have no family of my own, and to have somebody come and watch me progress and say "that looks good", means something to me.

Fortunately I have one of those, and I'm grateful for that.

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