Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I just love paella, and today was a good day (paella-wise). I went with a friend to a fish store, carefully looking at the origin of the fish/shellfish likes and ignored everything from other continents, but again, when something comes from "North Atlantic", how can you be sure?

And like my friend remarked when I found mussels from Greenland, "it's as far as it is from Vietnam". Ok, I haven't googled but he may be right. Thinking what if I used the mussels growing beneath my boat?

Nevertheless, the paella(s), actually made two, were absolutely delicious.

And while we were there, in the shopping heaven of Zürich, we also visited a sports shop so now I've got a thingie that measures my steps and has a watch. My friend measured the average of my steps (69 cm if I remember correctly), and configured the device, and it ended up giving me a too positive result, or so I think. After coming home this evening I have apparently walked almost 2,000 steps. Ok, so I was cooking and walking around, but still. It sounds a lot. Perhaps I have to discount the steps.

And we were talking about my riding lesson on Friday. My friend figured that "the horse will do the walking/trotting/galloping", where I was thinking that I might do the most "steps" then. We shall see.

1 comment:

Linda said...

It does look delicious! :)