Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Zumba - not for beginners

So today I went zumbaing all the way. I had asked the teacher beforehand to go easy on me, since I don't feel superfit.

To my delight we were only five students, and three of them were my age or older. All women. The fourth one was one of these you really should hate. Young, perfect body, did everything exactly like the teacher, and in general a person that would be on my hate list. Until I spoke to her, and complimented her for the moves. Then it turned out she was very nice too (how's that possible, there should be a law against it!), and told me she's done zumba once a week for three years and that it's all about practise. Phew! That made me feel better.

'Cause the zumba itself was very difficult. Ok, the teacher told us beforehand that there are no rules, and he's not gonna correct any of us. It's about having fun and move at the same time. Suits me.

It was loud music (the only one I recognized was Take on me with Aha, tells you how old I am!), a fast beat and swift movements in a gym hall with mirrors. So you looked at the teacher, tried to mimic his movements and by the time you had, he was changing to something else. It felt like I was always a bit behind.

But it was actually fun, and it's hard to not be happy with an energetic teacher who smiles and even looking around at the others, I saw them smiling too.

In the end it slowed down a bit and we stretched, and the teacher told two of us, the beginners, that it actually hadn't been a beginners lesson, it was a full on one.

So after one hour I walked out of there, tomato-red in the face but with a smile on my lips. Yes, I'll definitely do this again!

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