Thursday, March 05, 2015


So I went to Ikea again and got another bench for the balcony. However, when coming home I realized it would be a perfect addition to my kitchen. For the cat food. So now I have to go a third time. Ah well, there are worse things in life.

I also got a mat solely for visiting dogs. I rather hoover a mat once a week than mopping drool off the floor. Besides the mat was 10 francs full price, and this week it was 20% off. 8 francs as an investment in visiting dogs, I think is reasonable.

And then I got an egg-boiler-machine. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I used to have one years ago and when it broke down I actually missed it. Today I found one in Aldi for 13 francs, and even though the colour is a bit...well, how can I put it...a bit girlish, I couldn't resist. And I cook eggs a lot, every second day at least so I will certainly use it.

Lastly I got some small glass containers that can take oven heat. I often google recipes, and I saw this one with chocolate maybe if you visit and are lucky...

Oh yeah, forgot, I did get some candy too. It is impossible to visit Ikea without coming home with a bag of sweets.

PS. The must-have thingie had sold out, so update comes later.

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