Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sporty morning

So today I tried the vitaparcours for the first time. It was fab weather, the sun was shining and the temperature was just right for exercise. No excuse.

It took me exactly one hour from leaving my house until I was back. That included the powerwalk to and from, the actual round, also powerwalking, with fifteen stations (I did fourteen) with various movements. The most difficult was to balance backwards on a beam, especially at the turns. Funny that, since the beam was broad enough to encompass my foot.

One time I wanna try to jog the round without the stations. There is a sign at the end, saying that in my age an outstanding time would be 17 minutes, 19 would be good and 22 is the average. I wanna see where I'm at. The problem is I do not have a watch.

Thinking of buying one of those thingies which measure the number of steps, the time and maybe the pulse or something else. Didn't find anything on the net, but am sure a sports shop would have one.

PS. 2.7 kg's away from my goal as of this morning. However, not sure the paella we plan to make later will help :).

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