Friday, March 13, 2015

Big is not always better

I cannot believe I got the biggest horse in the stable again. I must've done something to upset the owner, since she's the one allocating the horses to us students, and I was very clear from the beginning that I wanted a "normal-sized" horse.

And every time I have to ask for help, since he's huge and I cannot reach high enough to put the gear on. But I did clean his hooves. This is something they always do before leaving the box, I guess they want to keep the stable clean.

Picking a hoof up is no problem, but when an approx 600 kg horse leans on you when you're busy trying to scrape off dirt from inside the hoof, it's kinda heavy. Four times. And that's before you even have sat on the animal.

Frankly, I think that those private lessons of 30 minutes suits me better than 50 minutes with three others. The hall where we ride is not very big, and you always have to look out for others when moving around. Plus the fact that it seems that my energy seems to seep out after half an hour, just when it's time to start galloping, which is my fav.

But having prepaid the lessons until June, you can be sure I'll utilize every hour until then.

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