Friday, March 20, 2015

8,000 steps

I knew it! 50 minutes riding lesson gives around 8,000 steps on that pedometer I bought, even if my friend claims that the horse does all the work. So not true.

Yesterday I did around 6K steps, it was a quiet day and I didn't move around that much. Today I'm up to 18K until now, which will be the end result, since I realized that putting the thingie in my underpants ain't the best idea. It falls on the floor, or one time it was a close call with the toilet.

I don't aim to use it every day, but to see how much each sport gives in terms of steps.

Anyway, had a new horse today which was a darling. She was lovely, putting her head on my shoulder, wanting to be caressed and being very obedient when it came to prepare her for the lesson.

However, good thing they have stable help, since I'm a bit of a technical idiot sometimes, and couldn't figure out which way the cover went. You know, after you've taken the saddle and everything else off, you cover them up to prevent them from being cold.

So yes, I have a new second fav. A white Andalusian beauty of "normal" size.

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